English & STEAM | Digital Media

English & STEAM | Digital Media

英语 & STEAM | 数字媒体


Why Do ISNS Students Like NovaLearn? 


Find out here!点击这里找到答案吧!


NovaLearn English & STEAM (Grades 1-5)

Tuesday 3.30PM-4.30PM

RMB2,700 per student (12 sessions + a learning materials kit)

English & STEAM | Digital Media


Join NovaLearn for an exciting English & STEAM program with ALL-NEW courses! Throughout 12 weeks, students will work on a project that spans Engineering, Art, and Science while also practicing their English communication skills with a show-and-tell presentation and an English (Cambridge A1 & A2) course designed by an IB educator.


NovaLearn Digital Media (Grades 1-5)

Thursday 3.30PM-4.30PM

RMB2,880 per student (12 sessions + a learning materials kit)

English & STEAM | Digital Media


Embark on a digital media adventure that takes students through the diverse fields of coding, chatbots, engineering, stop motion animation, and digital art. Throughout 12 weeks, students will learn real technical and digital skills that inspire new passions and possible career paths.


All NovaLearn programs develop students’ research, social, communication, critical thinking, and self-management skills with the core of engaging students with real-world applications. 


All students will also receive a STEM.org certificate at the end of the programs.


NovaLearn英语& STEAM (1-5年级)

周二下午3:30 - 4:30





NovaLearn数字媒体 (1-5年级)

周四下午3:30 - 4:30










How to Register

Registration Begins: Monday, August 26, 2024


Registration Ends: Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Activities Start: Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Please log in to SchoolsBuddy (http://isns.schoolsbuddy.net/) or Schools Buddy 2.0 APP and look for “NovaLearn Program 2024-25 Semester One" in 'Activities&Clubs'.


Once the registration ends, a confirmation email with detailed information for the class and payment notification message will be sent out from SchoolsBuddy before it starts. You can also check the schedule of the program on SchoolsBuddy 'diary'.


New parents and students to ISNS should have received a welcome email from SchoolsBuddy with a link to sign up and create an account. Please click this link (https://www.isnsz.com/ISNS/registration.html) to help with joining SchoolsBuddy and selecting the program. If you have any questions regarding SchoolsBuddy, please email Ms. Kaisy Lian at kaisy.lian@isnsz.com.


If you have any questions regarding the NovaLearn programs, you may contact Mr. Erik Blees at erik.blees@isnsz.com.





报名结束时间】:2024年9月  3日(周二)



请登陆SchoolsBuddy平台 http://isns.schoolsbuddy.net/ 或使用SchoolsBuddy2.0 APP 在“活动预约”中找到报名端口:“2024-25SY第一学期NovaLearn课后活动” 进行报名,查看以下课程选项。


报名结束后,您将在开课前收到一封来自SchoolsBuddy的报名确认邮件,查看学生的报名结果和相关信息以及付款通知。您还可以在Schools Buddy的“行事历”上查看孩子的活动排程

ISNS的新生家庭都会收到一封由Schools Buddy系统发送的账号注册激活邮件。请点击此链接https://www.isnsz.com/ISNS/registration.html 查看指南中的说明并激活您的Schools Buddy账号进行课程报名。如果您有任何关于Schools Buddy系统报名问题,请发送邮件至kaisy.lian@isnsz.com 联系Kaisy Lian老师。

如果您有任何关于Novalearn英语课后辅导项目的疑问,请发送邮件至 erik.blees@isnsz.com  联系Erik Blees老师。