After School Activities

Rolling Photos

Coding Robotics

Coding Robotics



Make fashion

Make fashion













The ISNS Extra-Curricular Activities program offers a wide range of opportunities for students.  Designed to foster a dynamic community, the Extra-Curricular Program builds upon the academic program by providing access to activities and athletics that cannot take place in the classroom. At ISNS we recognize the importance of a holistic approach to learning and believe that such an approach is vital if the potential of our students is to be developed to the maximum.  As such, students are actively encouraged to engage in extra-curricular activities.

The Extra-Curricular Program includes these areas:

Within each strand ECA’s are classified:

1.  Foundation ECA's:

These are activities that are essential to help shape the Identity of ISNS and our students. They have a direct link to the school’s mission and values, and what it means to be an International School. Activities are performance/competition based within our school community and the China region. These are offered every year.


2. Interest ECA's

These are activities that are not offered every year. The type of activity largely depends on the passions of staff, students and current trends. They provide students with an opportunity to explore, inquire and discover new passions.