ISNS Bank Account Information
Account Name (账户名):深圳市南山外籍人员子女学校
Account No(银行账号):769 257 940 989
Bank Name(开户行): Bank of China Shenzhen Branch Yuncheng Sub-Branch (中国银行深圳云城支行)
Bank Address(开户银行地址): First Floor, Wanke Yuncheng Phase III, The intersection of Dashiyi Road and Shigu Road,
Nanshan District, Shenzhen (深圳市南山区打石一路与石鼓路交叉口万科云城三期一楼 )
School Address(学校地址): 11 Longyuan Road, Taoyuan Sub-District, Nanshan District , Shenzhen , P.R.China(中国深圳南山区桃源街道龙苑路 11 号)
Zip Code(邮政编码): 518055
Telephone No.(财务室电话): (86-755)86716656
VAT Reg.No.(纳税识别号): 5244030055717434XJ
Finance E-mail(财务邮箱): finance.dept@isnsz.com
Note: If you have siblings, please transfer each child's tuition separately.For bank transfers kindly provide student number and the students’ full name in English ( you can check these on student card or parent card) in the notes for the bank .
(备注:如有兄弟姐妹,请将每个孩子的学费分开单独转账。转账学费时,请务必备注学生学号和英文全名(可查看 学生卡、家长卡)。