School Uniforms

The ISNS uniform is an important element of school life.  We believe the uniform can help to create a sense of community.  When worn properly it generates a shared identity among students and can help instill a sense of pride in our school.  Having a uniform helps students to focus on their work and activities while at school, rather than their appearance.  It encourages positive social interactions among students by building unity rather than competition about looks.  It also makes life a little easier for parents!  

School Uniform Policy

Uniform items are available for online purchase through the Eton Kids WeChat platform (see below).

ISNS Students - Wear your uniform with pride as you represent our amazing community. 

Students are required to wear a school uniform at all times during the day.  The school administration reserves the right to decide if clothing and/or appearance conveys a message contrary to the philosophy of the school uniform code. 

Important note:

All students must write their names in their uniforms.  We often find lost articles around the school and it is difficult to return them to their owner if the name is not written on the designated tag.

ISNS Official Formal Dress Uniform

The official formal dress uniform is to be worn on specific, identified occasions.  For example: ISNS music performances, athletic conferences, student exhibitions, school wide photo day, special award assemblies, and foreign dignitary visits.  All students are to arrive neat in appearance for these special occasions.

The official formal dress uniform is specific to Grades 3 to 12.  K2 to Grade 2 student do not have an official dress uniform option.

Formal dress uniform elements and guidelines:

  • Top:  Formal white ISNS uniform shirt or blouse.  The shirt must be tucked into the pants.  Shirts and blouses may be long or short sleeved, depending on the weather.  Students choosing to wear shirts under their ISNS official shirt must take note that all under shirts must be solid white in color, free of logos.

  • Additional Required Items:  Tie and ISNS blazer.

  • Bottom:  Plaid ISNS uniform skort/skirt or grey uniform pants.  Grey uniform leggings may be worn with the skort/skirt in cool weather.  Skorts/Skirts must be worn no shorter than the top of the knee.  A black belt should be worn with pants.

  • Footwear:   Formal black dress shoes.   Students are not permitted to wear sneakers, sandals, flip-flops, cleats or other casual shoes with the formal uniform.  Black socks should be worn with most types of dress shoes.

ISNS Official Daily Uniform for Grades 3 to 12

The Daily Uniform for Grades 3 to 12 is to be worn on regular school days.

Grade 3 to 12 Daily Uniform elements and guidelines:

School UniformsSchool UniformsSchool UniformsSchool UniformsSchool Uniforms
  • Top:  Formal white uniform shirt or blouse; or maroon uniform polo shirt.  Shirts and blouses may be long or short sleeved, depending on the weather.  Shirts and blouses may be tucked in to the pants or skort/skirt or left out in a relaxed look.  If an undershirt is worn, it must be plain white, grey, black or navy blue with no designs or patterns on it.

  • Bottom:  Plaid or grey uniform skort/skirt, grey uniform shorts or grey uniform pants.  Skorts/Skirts must be worn no shorter than the top of the knee.  Students may wear white, grey, black or navy blue ISNS uniform leggings in cool weather.  Personal leggings with designs or patterns are not permitted.  Non-uniform bottoms will not be permitted.

  • Footwear:   Neat-looking sneakers or dress shoes.  Students are not permitted to wear flip-flops, cleats,sandals, high-heeled shoes or open-toed shoes.  Footwear should not be too extravagant.  Shoes with wheels, lights or sounds are not permitted.  Safety should be considered when selecting footwear.  Socks should be simple black, grey or navy blue without designs or patterns on them.

  • Additional Items:  ISNS hoodie, jacket, sweater and blazer are optional items that can be worn with the daily uniform.  No shirts, sweaters, jackets, etc. other than official ISNS clothing may be worn.  On cold days students may wear a coat that is not an official ISNS uniform item but this must be taken off in the classroom.

ISNS Official Daily Uniform for K2 to Grade 2

The Daily Uniform for K2 to Grade 2 is to be worn on regular school days.

K2 to Grade 2 Daily Uniform elements and guidelines:

School UniformsSchool Uniforms
  • Top: Maroon uniform polo shirt.  The long-sleeve uniform polo can be worn on cold days.  If an undershirt is worn, it must be plain white, grey, black or navy blue with no designs or patterns on it.

  • Bottom:  Grey uniform shorts.  Long grey uniform pants can be worn on cold days.  Students may wear white, grey, black or navy blue ISNS uniform leggings in cool weather.  Personal leggings with designs or patterns are not permitted.  Non-uniform bottoms will not be permitted.

  • Footwear:  Neat-looking sneakers or dress shoes.  Students are not permitted to wear flip-flops, cleats,sandals, high-heeled shoes or open-toed shoes.  Footwear should not be too extravagant.  Shoes with wheels, lights or sounds are not permitted.  Safety should be considered when selecting footwear.  Socks should be simple black, grey or navy blue without designs or patterns on them.

  • Additional Items: ISNS hoodie, jacket, track suit, sweater and blazer are optional items that can be worn with the daily uniform.  No shirts, sweaters, jackets, etc. other than official ISNS clothing may be worn.  On cold days students may wear a coat that is not an official ISNS uniform item but this must be taken off in the classroom.

  • Note:  If students in K2 to Grade 2 wish to wear the more formal uniform worn by the upper grade levels (white top and skirt/shorts/pants - see the section above) they may do so but we generally recommend the items designated for K2 to Grade 2 so that they are comfortable throughout the active school day.

ISNS PE Uniform for Grades 3 to 12

Students in Grades 3 to 5 should wear the ISNS PE uniform to school on days that they participate in PE classes.

Students in Grades 6 to 12 should wear the ISNS PE uniform during PE classes only.

Grade 3 to 12 PE Uniform elements and guidelines:

School UniformsSchool UniformsSchool UniformsSchool UniformsSchool Uniforms
  • Top: ISNS grey or maroon/blue PE uniform shirt.

  • Bottom: ISNS grey or maroon/blue PE uniform shorts.

  • Footwear: Sneakers, Running Shoes or Tennis Shoes.  Safety should be considered when selecting footwear.

  • Additional Items: The official ISNS tracksuit jacket and pants should be worn with the regular PE uniform when the temperature gets cold.

ISNS School Spirit Days

Every Friday is considered an ISNS School Spirit Day.  The Head of School will decide if any additional ISNS special dress days will take place.

On ISNS School Spirit Days, students will have the option to wear any ISNS attire.  For example:  maroon polo shirts, ISNS PE shirts, student council shirts, BAW t-shirts, caring week t-shirts, etc..

Students must wear grey pants, skorts/skirts, shorts.

ISNS Faculty reserve the right to determine what clothing items are appropriate for Spirit days.

Special Activities

Uniforms will be worn on all school field trips except with the authorization of the Head of School and/or Principal for a specific activity that requires alternative clothing.

Students are not permitted to change out of their uniform at the end of the school day while involved in activities as a ISNS student.  Students should wear the appropriate athletic clothing or uniform for sport practices and games.

ISNS Uniform List & Online Platform Instructions

IB PYP ISNS Uniform List and Online Platform Instruction.pdf


Eton Kidd Online Uniform Platform

Scan to access the Eton Kidd sales page for ISNS.

Scan to access the Eton Kidd sales page for ISNS.

Note:  Only ISNS students and parents are permitted to purchase ISNS uniform items.