Assessment of Learning at ISNS
ISNS students engage in a variety of assessments each year. These assessments are both externally and internally administered. Overall, assessment data shows that ISNS students achieve a significant level of success in relation to their peers around the world.
ISNS analyzes assessment data to inform teaching and learning.
These formal assessments have a 3-fold purpose:
To provide data on student progress for students and parents
To indicate appropriate next steps for differentiated instruction
To track data from grade to grade and year to year
PYP Assessments for 2023-24
MYP Assessments for 2023-24
Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment (formative)
ISNS Report Card Standards for Independent Reading Levels © 2016
ISNS reading and writing standards and exemplars
6 Traits Writing rubrics
Fountas and Pinnell High Frequency Word List
Letter/Sound Inventory
Words Their Way Spelling Inventory