ISNS School Bus Rules
1. Students should arrive at the designated school bus stop on time and inform the School Bus Coordinators in advance if they will not take the bus.
2. The school buses depart from school at 2:45 PM on Wednesdays and 3:45 PM on all other weekdays. If students miss the bus home as a result of their own actions, they will need to call their parents or guardians to pick them up.
3. To ensure timely departure, students should use the washroom and take care of any other errands as soon as class is dismissed. Students should be on the bus at least five minutes prior to departure. All students must remain on the bus once they get on. They should not wait until the last minute to use the washroom, visit the café, etc.
4. Students must fasten their seat belts when they are on the school bus. Standing or walking inside the school bus while it is in motion is strictly forbidden. A warning will be given to any student who does not follow these rules. If the student does not heed the warning, the student will be reported to the Homeroom Teacher or appropriate Principal, who will decide upon a consequence. Repeated violation of these rules will result in loss of school bus riding privileges.
5. Students must sit in the seat designated for them by the bus monitor. Students may not change seats without permission from the bus monitor. Any arguing over seat assingnments or unauthorized seat changes will result in referral to the Homeroom Teacher or appropriate Principal.
6. Students should keep their voices low on the bus at all times, in addition to keeping their hands and feet to themselves so as not to disturb others.
7. Eating or drinking in the school bus is prohibited. Students are expected to maintain a clean environment and not litter.
8. Mobile phones, computers, iPad and other electronic devices are only to be used by students in Grade 6 and above and only for doing academic work. No inappropriate content may be viewed on the bus. Use of electronic devices should not disturb other students. In the event that students need to use a device to make an emergency call to their parents/guardians, they should inform the bus monitor in advance. A warning will be given to any student who violates this rule. If the student does not heed the warning, they will be reported to the Homeroom Teacher or appropriate Principal. Repeated offenses will result in the loss of bus riding privileges.
9. Students must not place any objects or body parts (head, hands, arms, legs etc.) outside the bus windows at any time.
10. Playing with toys on the bus is prohibited. In addition, if students bring animals/insects on the bus they must be given to the Bus Monitor to hold until they depart from the bus.
11. Students must listen to the instructions from the drivers and bus monitors at all times. In addition, students should also show them respect. Behaviors that disturb or harm drivers, bus monitors or other students are prohibited. Students who mistreat the drivers or bus monitors will be reported to the Homeroom Teacher or appropriate Principal. Serious offenses will result in the loss of bus riding privileges.
12. When disembarking from the school bus, students should wait until the bus has come to a complete stop and then exit in an orderly fashion (from the front to the back).
Enforcement of Rules
1. The bus monitor is responsible for upholding discipline and seeing that bus rules are followed.
2. When, in the opinion of the bus monitor, a rule has been broken, the matter must be referred to the School and the School will then talk to the student and also contact the parent.
3. The general guidelines for matters referred to the School are:
On the first offence, students will receive a warning and the parents will be notified.
The second offence will result in a suspension of bus privileges for one school day.
Repeated offence will result in a suspension of bus privileges at the discretion of the School without any refund of the school bus fees.
4. For major offences (smoking; fighting; vandalism; obscene language or gestures; or actions that compromise safety) students will be suspended from the bus without warning and parents contacted.
5. The bus monitor or coordinator will keep the school administration informed of any serious bus disciplinary issues and accidents with the involvement of corresponding Principal where deemed necessary.
6. Parents will be liable for any damage caused to a bus by their child(ren).