English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Students at ISNS come from many different countries and speak many different languages. A large number come from backgrounds with Mandarin as their mother tongue.  Most have had some English language instruction in their previous schools. Students have an English language assessment as part of the admissions process. The results of these assessments provide necessary information for appropriate grade-level and course placement as well as a means of determining the level of EAL support necessary. 

Non-native English speaking students in Grades 2-10 are assessed using the MAP or Cambridge ESOL examination system to determine their proficiency level.  Students below Grade 2 or above Grade 10 are not assessed.  Students must obtain a minimum score on the assessment in order to be accepted into ISNS and move on to higher grade levels. 

  • Grade 6 must have a minimum of an A1

  • Grade 7/8 must have a minimum of an A2

  • Grade 9 a minimum of a B1

  • Grade 10 a minimum of a B2

EAL Support

EAL teachers are committed to helping students develop their English language and literacy skills. Students in the PYP will receive EAL (English as an Additional Language) Support that fits their level of need.  In the PYP, the EAL teacher and Homeroom teacher collaborate as co-teachers to support the needs of all students in the classroom. Levels of support can vary based on the needs of the student. ISNS teachers can provide basic to moderate levels of EAL support; however, if a student needs an intensive level of EAL support or specialized learning support intervention, then it is possible that we cannot meet the English language needs of a student. Students in Grades 6 to 12 are expected to function in mainstream classrooms without much additional English language support other than what can be provided by the main classroom teacher.  

Chinese Language

Students from preschool to grade 10 are expected to participate in aregular Mandarin lessons. For PYP, students engage in 4 Mandarin classes per week. Classes from grades 2 to 10 are leveled based on assessment. The program of studies promotes language acquisition and refinement, as well as exposure to cultural and artistic traditions.