Entrance into Grade 11 & The Full DP

Entrance into Grade 11 and the full Diploma Programme

Entrance REQUIREMENTS for Grade 11

Students entering into Grade 11 at ISNS must be at grade level in terms of English language ability, and have passed (or will likely pass) the New Brunswick ELPA provincial exam. This exam is a requirement to graduate from ISNS, as well as a requirement to obtain a New Brunswick High School diploma. Once in Grade 11 at ISNS, students will choose to continue their studies in either the Diploma Certificate Stream or the Full Diploma Stream. Regardless of the Stream, all students are required to complete the CAS component in order to graduate.

Entrance RECOMMENDATIONS into the Diploma Program Certificate Stream (DPCS)

The Diploma Program Certificate Stream (DPCS) at ISNS is a flexible, yet challenging curriculum. This program allows students an opportunity to obtain IB certificates for courses they complete, as well as a New Brunswick High School diploma. This stream is intended for the majority of ISNS students, as it provides more flexibility and is less challenging than the full Diploma Programme stream. Students will choose IB certificate courses in G11, and in G12 will have the option of continuing on in these DP courses, or switching to some New Brunswick courses to allow a larger range of options.

To ensure that students are capable of meeting the demands of the DPCS, MYP students at ISNS should meet the following recommendations at the end of Grade 10:

  • At least a 3/8 in each subject area

  • At least a 3/8 on the Personal Project

In order to ensure that students are prepared for the demands of an IB course, students wishing to pursue a DP higher level course certificate should obtain a minimum of a 5/8 for that particular MYP course.

Entrance RECOMMENDATIONS into the Full Diploma Program (Full DP) Stream

The Full Diploma Programme Stream (DP) at ISNS is an intensive two-year programme for students in Grades 11 and 12. Students choose six courses to be completed over two years, as well as the Core Components of the DP programme: TOK, CAS, and the EE. Successful completion of the six courses, as well as the Core Components, will result in an IB Diploma as well as a New Brunswick Diploma.  Final decision regarding entrance to the Full Diploma Programme Stream lies with the DP Principal, in collaboration with the DP Coordinator.  Internal ISNS candidates must have successfully completed the MYP Personal Project in Grade 10 as well as the MYP Community Project in Grade 9 in order to enter into the Full Diploma Programme Stream. Finally, all full DP candidates must be in good academic standing, therefore, students that have a history of missing deadlines and/or violations of the ISNS academic integrity policy will not be considered for this stream.

To ensure that students are capable of meeting the demands of the program, MYP students at ISNS should demonstrate the following requirements by the end of Grade 10:

  • A 4/8 or higher on the Personal Project and a reference from their Personal Project Supervisor

  • A meeting with the DP Coordinator, Guidance Counsellor and parents to discuss the programme

  • A minimum of a 5/8 for any subject that the student may be considering as an HL course

  • A minimum of a 4/8 for any subject that the student may be considering as an SL course