
Selection Process 

PA Grade Level Representatives are selected through an open election process which begins with nominations during the first few weeks of school in August.  All eligible candidates who have been nominated are placed on a ballot which is then shared with all parents electronically and submitted electronically to the Head of School.  The Head of School tallies the votes and makes the final selection.  An announcement to all parents listing the PA Grade Level Representatives for the academic year will go out within the first month of the academic year. 

Qualifications and Expectations 

PA Grade Level Representatives must: 

  • Act in an ethical manner with the utmost integrity at all times.     

  • Follow all ISNS policies.  

  • Act with positive intent in accordance with the IB philosophy. 

  • Communicate in a clear and professional manner at all times and on all platforms, including WeChat. 

PA Grade Level Representatives are responsible for addressing the needs of the entire Grade Level and not the individual needs of their own child.  PA Grade Level Representatives should model and encourage all parents to address concerns regarding their own child following the appropriate procedure outlined by the school. 


Five meetings for PA Grade Level Representatives will be scheduled with the school’s academic leadership each year.  All Grade Level Reps who have been selected through the election process must attend all five meetings.  If, due to extreme circumstances, the Grade Level Rep cannot attend a meeting, he or she must find a suitable substitute. 


PA Grade Level Representatives must have a basic level of English language in order to participate effectively in meetings and communicate with all members of the ISNS community. 

Primary Responsibilities 

  • To represent all parents in the Grade Level when interacting with the school, communicating ideas and opinions to the school leadership team during PA meetings and at other times. 

  • To pass important points of communication on from the school leadership team to other parents in the Grade Level. 

  • To take ownership of the parent WeChat group for the Grade Level and ensure all members of the group are current ISNS parents. 

  • To bring about school improvement through constructive dialogue with the school. 

  • To assist with designated PA activities and events throughout the year. 

  • To encourage all parents to participate in Parent Workshops and learn about the academic program. 

  • To encourage parents to attend athletic competitions, art shows, concerts, exhibitions and other activities. 

  • To welcome all families to be a part of the ISNS community.