Week without Walls

Week without Walls

Every year all of our MYP and DP students participate in Week Without Walls. This program is designed to give students the experiences that will inspire them to become engaged and caring global citizens. In addition the program aims to:

  • provide an opportunity for students to challenge themselves socially, emotionally, physically, and mentally

  • create authentic service experiences that will help to develop empathy and embody the learner profile attributes

  • open pathways for students to know each other in a more deep and meaningful level 

2022 Week Without Walls Destinations 

The following trips will not be running, during the week of November 14 to 18:

Grade 6: Foshan & Kaiping

Grade 7: Twin Moon Bay

Grade 8: Wanluhu

Grade 9: Huidong

Grade 10: Qingyuan

Grade 11&12: Chaoshan