An ISNS student is responsible for:
Creating a caring community.
Treating everyone with dignity and respect.
Exemplifying the attributes of the IB Learner Profile.
Displaying the characteristics of a responsible global citizen.
Behaving in a manner that does not interfere with the rights of others.
Abiding by expectations, guidelines, rules and regulations established by the school.
Participating in established essential agreements with fellow students and adhering to them.
Attending school daily and on time.
ISNS is committed to creating a safe and inclusive school environment for all students free from harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination on the basis of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, etc.
Guidelines for Student Conduct
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a fundamental value of teaching, learning, and behavior. Maintaining high standards of academic integrity ensures the sustainability of the ISNS educational process. Any form of cheating or dishonesty regarding academic work is not acceptable and will result in no score for that assignment. Students are expected to demonstrate the attributes of the IB Learner Profile at all times. Follow this link to the Academic Integrity Policy.
Academic Progress
Students must achieve the minimum academic requirements for each grade level or they will not pass on to the following grade level. A student may be asked to repeat a grade level if he or she does not pass. Students may not repeat a grade level more than once. Students should be at the appropriate for their grade level. Follow this link to the DP Late Submission Policy.
Positive Behavior
ISNS students are expected to demonstrate positive behavior at all times. ISNS students are polite, kind and mindful of others. They respect the ideas, opinions and personal space of others. They do their part to create a community where everyone feels welcome, included and cared for. They assist those in need. They work to solve problems in a constructive and healthy manner. They take responsibility for their own actions.
Dress Code
All students are expected to wear the proper uniform on a daily basis. Students who do not comply with the dress code will be removed from class until they are in the proper uniform. Parents will be contacted.
Use of Electronic Devices
Personal electronic devices are permitted only for educational purposes at ISNS.
K3 to Grade 5 students should not bring these items to school unless there is a specific purpose as outlined by the teacher. Students in these grade levels will have access to i-Pads or MacBooks that are owned by the school. Students in Grades 6-12 are required to bring a laptop to school each day. Students are responsible for any items brought to school. The school will not be held responsible for theft, loss or damage of these items. Students should keep valuables in their locker when not being used in the classroom.
Students must learn to use their electronic devices responsibly. There appropriate and inappropriate times to utilize electronic devices and students will need to make this distinction. At no time should a student be viewing inappropriate material via the internet or electronic devices. We want students to develop skills and habits that will serve them well throughout their lives.
Electronic devices are not permitted to be used in the cafeterias.
Link to the Technology Acceptable Use Policy
Damage to School Property
Students are expected to treat the school environment with respect at all times. Any damage to school property will not be tolerated and the cost for repair will be covered by the students/parents.
Loss or Theft
We believe that ISNS is a safe school whose members are respectful of each other and each other’s property. However, as in any social environment, we also stress that individuals be vigilant with regard to ensuring the security of their personal property. ISNS is not responsible for valuables that are lost or stolen on campus or when on school trips. In case of theft students should report it immediately to the divisional administrator. The divisional administrator will investigate the incident as thoroughly as possible. There is a lost and found area located at the guard station near the front gate.
Alcohol, Tobacco and Illegal Drugs
Smoking, drinking or use of illegal drugs is prohibited on campus at all times. Use of these items on campus may lead to suspension, expulsion or criminal proceedings.
Weapons, Violent Toys and Other Dangerous Objects
Students are not to bring any sort of weapon, real or fake, to school. Toys of a violent nature are also not permitted on campus. Any object that is deemed to be dangerous to other students will be confiscated by the ISNS staff and only returned to a parent.
Bicycles, Rollerblades, Skateboards, Scooters, etc.
Students who use a bicycle or other form of personal transport to get to school should dismount and walk once on school grounds. Students are not permitted to use personal wheeled transport at school unless special permission is given by a teacher. ISNS will not be responsible for any injuries related to the use of personal wheeled transport. Parking for bicycles and other forms of transport is provided in the designated parking area underground.
Closed Campus
We operate a closed-campus from 8:10am until 3:30pm, meaning that students are not to leave campus during this time unless escorted by a parent or teacher with prior consent.
Food on Campus
Students in K4 to Grade 5 are not allowed to purchase snacks or drinks from the Aspretto Cafe. Healthy snacks should be sent from home and eaten in the classroom at the designated time. Students should not bring food into the auditorium, hallways, tech labs, gyms or onto the playing fields. Primary students may eat in the classroom only at times designated by their teacher.
MYP Students can purchase snacks and drinks from the Aspretto Cafe during designated times. Students must eat all food in the cafeteria or the central atrium. Students should not bring food into the classrooms, auditorium, hallways, the labs, gyms or onto the playing fields. MYP Students may not purchase food from off campus sources to be delivered to school. They must eat food provided by the school's cafeteria services or bring food from home when they come in the morning.
DP students are responsible enough to manage their own eating habits and will be treated as such. Individuals may lose privileges if they are irresponsible with their food.
Students are not allowed to have hard candy or other candy or chew gum in classes or hallways. Teachers will allow exceptions to this at certain class party events.
Absenteeism is reported on a daily basis. Excessive absenteeism will result in a request for a meeting with the parents. Students are required to make up the time for unwarranted absences. Consistent, repeated unexcused absences may result in suspension or in extreme cases, expulsion. Students must not miss more than 20 days in an academic year or they will not receive credit for completing that grade level.
Physical Violence or Sexual Misconduct
Any form of physical violence or sexual misconduct (as described in the school's Child Protection Policy) is not acceptable. Minor incidents of physical violence (hitting, kicking, pushing) will result in the student being suspended from school for a partial or full day. Serious incidents of violence or sexual misconduct may result in the student being expelled from school permanently and/or criminal proceedings.
Expressions of Hate
Expressions of hate of any kind are not tolerated at ISNS. Expressions of hate may be in relation to sex, gender, race, national origin, disability or any other difference. Expressions of hate can take many forms including: name-calling; written notes or messages; offensive or graphic cartoons, memes or posters; hurtful or inappropriate jokes; rumors; or the use of slurs. Expressions of hate should never be conveyed in any language.
Bullying is any persistent or repeated written, verbal or physical act or gesture that is intended to inflict injury, violence or the fear of injury or violence upon another individual. Bullying can take the form of threats, intimidation, harassment (verbal, physical or sexual), extortion, expressions of hate, and physical harm.
Cyberbullying is an act that falls into one or more of the forms of bullying outlined above but which is conducted online via electronic devices. Cyberbullying is generally carried out through graphic, symbolic or written communication via email, instant messages, blogs or posts on commercial social networking sites.
At ISNS we maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all students. As such, any form of bullying will not be tolerated. If a student engages in bullying at school or school events, strict disciplinary measures will be taken which may include suspension, expulsion or criminal proceedings.

Discipline Courses of Action and Consequences
Teachers may use a number of strategies, tools and techniques for classroom management and dealing with behavior issues. These will vary depending on the situation and the needs of the students. Teachers will never use any form of physical punishment or contact when disciplining students. Teachers will meet weekly to discuss student behavior issues, as well as share best practices, ideas and strategies for dealing with these issues. The partnership between teachers and parents is also important to ensure a team approach is used when handling behavior problems. Parents will always be kept informed when significant behavior issues arise.
Progressive levels of intervention for misbehavior:
Teachers communicate with students to ensure that they understand what behaviors are appropriate and what are not.
Students will be given a verbal warning for minor misbehavior.
Students will be asked to apologize when they have hurt or done something that negatively effects another student.
Younger students may be kept in for recess time as a consequence for misbehavior.
Detention, where students are supervised in a silent classroom for a half of the lunch period, may be used as a consequence for misbehavior with older students.
Students may be asked to do community service within the school or provide restitution for damage they have caused.
A behavior progress tracking form may be employed as a way of recording a student's behavior. This form will be signed daily by the teachers and/or parents as needed.
If a behavior issue is ongoing or serious, the relevant teacher(s) will contact the parents to inform them of the problem.
A meeting between the parents and the relevant teacher(s) may be held to address any consistent or serious behavior problems.
Teachers will document ongoing or serious behavior issues. Such records may be added to the student's cumulative file.
If there is no improvement in a student's behavior after several attempts to intervene, the student will be referred to administration who will discuss the issues with the relevant teachers, and hold a meeting with the parents and students. This could lead to academic or behavior contracts between the student, parents and school, which, if broken, could result in retention, suspension or expulsion.
Expulsion is the most severe consequence of misbehavior and may only be employed for extreme cases or when there is persistent refusal to follow school rules.
It is our goal to be proactive in preventing negative behavior, rather than reacting with disciplinary measures or consequences. The counselling team at ISNS works to teach and promote positive behavior to students throughout the year through a variety of lessons, groups and individual sessions. The counselling team does not carry out disciplinary action or assign consequences. We want students to feel comfortable and positive about seeking assistance from the counsellors. The counselling team may follow up after disciplinary action is taken by a teacher or principal in order to help with behavior modification to prevent future misbehavior.
Detention in MYP and DP
Students will be assigned to detention in order to complete late/unfinished assignments or for failure to meet behavior expectations.
A designated classroom is assigned as the detention location.
The detention begins at 11:35am and ends at 12:05pm. Students have time to each lunch following the delation period.
If a student is late for detention, they will finish that particular session and have another detention added. If a student misses the assigned detention- they will be assigned two additional detentions and must meet with the appropriate administrator.
Students who are sent to detention must have meaningful work to be completed as assigned by the teacher who sends them.
Expulsion from School
Our admissions screening process is designed to be thorough and effective to ensure that students are not admitted to ISNS who may have serious behavior issues or who are not likely to be successful academically. We would prefer to block an admission rather than expel a student at a later date. Nevertheless, students may be expelled from ISNS for a number of reasons.
Conditions which may lead to the dismissal of a student:
Students whose parents falsify or omit documents that would have negatively impacted their admission into ISNS can be expelled for this reason. Such documents include assessment results which show that a student has special needs or learning difficulties, psychological issues or past behavior problems.
All students who enter ISNS are initially on a 30-day probation. If the child displays any significant learning difficulties, psychological issues or behavior problems, the child’s admission can be revoked during this 30-day period.
Students who are a danger to other students, staff or faculty can be expelled from ISNS immediately. This includes students who bring a weapon to school, who physically attack other students with a serious intent to harm, who perpetrate sexual assault or unwanted sexual contact with other students, or who make serious threats towards other students upon which they intend to act. A thorough investigation of the incident and proper documentation of the incident will be made. The Head of School, in consultation with the Principal and Counselor, will make the final determination to expel a child based upon the evidence in such cases. A letter issued by the Head of School will be given to the family explaining the reason and terms of the expulsion.
Students who have ongoing (but not serious as is stated above) behavior problems can be expelled from ISNS. Thorough documentation of the problems will be made. The Head of School, in consultation with the Principal and Counselor, will make the final determination to expel a child based upon the evidence in such cases. Communication with the family will occur before the student is expelled. A letter issued by the Head of School will be given to the family explaining the reason and terms of the expulsion.
Students who are a danger to themselves may be asked to leave the school until they have received the proper psychological assessment, treatment and care. A determination regarding the psychological state of a child may be made by our own counselors or an outside agency that is acceptable to the school. A letter issued by the Head of School will be given to the family explaining the reason and terms of the expulsion. Documentation from a respected psychologist or psychiatrist stating that the child is mentally healthy will be needed if re-admission is to be granted.
Students in Grades 10 to 12 can be expelled for academic failure at any time. In such a case, students will be given at least six months to improve, with repeated warnings being given during that time. The parents of such an individual will be notified through a personal meeting and in writing. Communication on at least three occasions will be made and documented with the family regarding the child’s academic standing before he or she is expelled. A letter issued by the Head of School will be given to the family explaining the reason and terms of the expulsion.
The ISNS Academic Honesty Policy has clear guidelines for student conduct. if students violate this policy on three occasions, he or she may be expelled.
Students in Grades 9 can be transferred to our sister school, SCCSC, if they are significantly below grade level in their English language skills or it is believed that SCCSC would be a better fit for the student.
Any student who has serious learning difficulties (those which cannot be supported by simple modifications by the classroom teacher) can be asked to leave the school in order that the student receive the academic support necessary for him or her to be successful. In such cases, an assessment of the child by an ISNS approved child psychologist or learning specialist will be requested (arranged and paid for by the parents) in order to verify that the student has learning needs that cannot be satisfied at ISNS. If the parents refuse to have their child undergo such an assessment, the child may be expelled immediately. ISNS will recommend alternative schools to families who are in this difficult situation.
Students who do not have identified learning difficulties but who do not meet grade level expectations may be asked to repeat a grade level. This option will only be used in rare cases and primarily in the lower grade levels. Retaining a student should never cause the child to face an unhealthy environment or difficult social/emotional situation.
Note: All policies are subject to regular updates and changes.